pistol shots rang out in the bar room

I am now home from rafting. Happiness. We left around 10am, as we usually do on trips. Joy, however, drove the bus, Jody drove Joy's van, and Ms. Marci (Bob's mom) drove her RED Avon van. Hee! I sat up front with Kim. She read me 1800s hick dialect from Cold, Sassy Tree and I read her archaic language from The Scarlet Letter (I'm on Chapter 11 now, go me!). I sat up front with Kim, this guy named Shannon (he's really cool), and Joy, who was driving. We ate lunch at Wendy's, and then headed up the road. We did end up staying at the Nantahala place, which I find better, though I'm in the minority on that one. I like it better because it has air conditioning and a picnic shelter. I got a middle bunk, as did Bob, so we could talk at night easier. We had hotdogs for dinner, Heidi educated us (well, it was a Bible study, anyway), and then we offered up testimonies. Michael tried to give his top 5 reasons for craving God but it just didn't work. I went up and gave a very heartfelt speech about how the death of Emily's friend Lane put life into perspective. It was well received, and I'm glad. Anyway, that night was spent hanging out until around 11pm. I'm stupid, and got up at 5am to go read and think. I about froze my buns off and went back in a half hour later. Stupid mountain air. We all headed over to the Ocoee place for horses and ropes. The majority of the group did horses. Bob, John, Shannon, Mike, Logan, and I did ropes. Here's how I did: On the Heebie Jeebie, I sort of fell off, and sent the girl who was spotting me totally airborne. It was hysterical. And then on the Catwalk mess, I was great. I mean, I got a little scared, of course. But it was great. We discovered something at the ropes--when I get nervous, I prattle. Like, I just start talking and singing randomly, and Bob and Shannon found this absolutely hysterical. After that was a really crappy lunch, and then we headed over to the rafting house or whatever, where we watched the VMAs as we waited to ride the river. My raft consisted of Joy, Kim, Bob, Heidi, LaurenG, and myself, with our guide named Robert. He was so much cooler than the one last year because he jumped at the high rapids, and ran us into rocks on purpose and stuff like that. The only truly scary thing that happened was this. Robert ran us into a rock, which sent Joy and Bob out of the raft, Kim and I INTO the raft, and Heidi and Lauren into a panic. Then, all four of us panicked as we watched Bob, who had been nervous because of a near-death experience, go down the river. Thankfully, he was fine. Kim and I were freaking out about Joy, who was still back at the rock. Suddenly, she started coming down the river, and here's Kim going, "She has a heart condition! Someone's gotta help her!" Robert was trying to row us to the side to get us somewhere where we could get Joy and Bob. Another raft picked them up and brought them back to us. Joy "romanced the stone" which means that she got bruises in places God never meant for there to be bruises. And she gashed her foot. Eeek. Oh, well. She loved it. She's going back. She was fine. Heh. Joy's the greatest ever, bar none. Anyway, so we spent our last night at camp, which was pretty anticlimactic, except for when Michael selfishly cut off the air conditioner because he was cold, forcing someone to wake up in an oven and turn it back on, which woke me up stuffy and sore-throated. So I'm sick, and it's basically all Michael's fault because he was too selfish to know that sudden temperature changes shock the body. I'm fine, really. Anyway, we grooved to classic rock on the way home, and here we are. Not much else to say. What a long entry.
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