first we have coffee, and then we talk

Feeling: thoughtful
And what? And what? You wanna throw some nature in my face? Go right ahead. I'll take you on, Asbury Hills. I'll take you and your hills and trees and mosquitoes and gross sweat on. Bring it. I'm not coming up there to be bored. You must either present me with a challenge, a swimming pool, or a computer. Anything that doesn't make me break the No Hiking Ever Again In The History Of Ever pact with Claire. Sunburn. I am SUNBURNED. S-U-N--oh, they know how to spell it, dip. It HURTS. Of course, no one wants to touch me because of it, thanks, but that's okay. Actually, no. Because everyone wanted to hit me today, it seemed, and I was all screaming, "SUNBURN!!!!!! LAWSUIT!!! BACK UP!!!!!" with everything short of flames coming out of my mouth. Also, unless spirals make your head spin, I recommend Terror Toons to you for the ultimate in snarkage. Blake and I sat there and watched that whole movie and played Mystery Science Theatre with all our comments. I think we should write a joint recap of it for Television Without Pity. Also, Rorscach in horror movie gore? Oh, yeah. That is all.
Read 3 comments
hahaha omg
oh blake easter, the memories you provided me with.
[Anonymous (]
i just thought id say hi :)
youre so cute.

