hey leader strike up the band

Feeling: excited
Today was a good day. In Teacher Cadet, Mr. Mayer came and talked to us about the renovations they'll be doing to the school. Apparently, it's going to be really awesome. Sarah and I decided that we're going to come back and own the foreign language department as Spanish teachers. (oh God our help in ages past...our hope for years to come...) PSDM was a really bad quiz followed by learning more things I don't understand that I will likely figure out at the last minute. But Ms. Billue got off on one of her tangents. It was a good time. Economics was a quiz. Valeri and I were absolutely on fire yesterday with the quizzes. Coach Stogner taught us how to do simple taxes, and Valeri and I were the first ones done with the sheet and then got a perfect score on the partner quiz because she knew how to do the front and I knew how to do the back. Lunch...Michelle had canker sores so Cali, Georgia, and I had to carry the conversation which centered around a lot of strange things, as usual. Concert Choir...we finished learning Sing A Mighty Song and I got put in a room with two guys I don't know very well, but I guess I'll make the best of the situation. Nobody said I had to do anything in there besides sleep, right? But! All that matters is that I got the room of three. Hee. In Geography, we made a booklet about Eurasia. It was very tedious and time-consuming. I stopped at Azerbaijan. I'm so glad All-State is tomorrow. I need a break from Eurasia. And after 4th block tomorrow, I'll have it. After school, Tara was at her locker and Anthony said, "where's your girlfriend?" So now Tara and I have a new joke. We are not dating. That would not work. But Tara is great. I went to work. The kids were bad. Ms. Alison is on vacation this week. I almost had a cow I was so excited. I love her, but the pressure is off when she's not there. Also, paychecks! Then I got my haircut. I found out I have to grow it out some to get what I want. So I'm going to do that, I think. Then I went to choir practice at church and oversang the Easter music and left. Then I came home and watched Amy Adams be spared the cut on American Idol because she is AWESOME. All-State tomorrow. I think I'm going to go deposit my paycheck after school, go to Wal-Mart and buy headphones and then pick up food from Chic-Fil-A, probably with Megan. I'm really looking forward to this though. It was the coolest experience last year and I hope this year is even better.
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What? you know i'm your only pretend girlfriend! ---Melissa