the river sleeps beneath the sky

Today was a good day...until English. In US History, I finished my stupid test, turned it in, and proceeded to work on our timeline mini-project. @whee, Elizabeth asked me to work with her. *loves Elizabeth* We have a great inside joke. She and her friend Charlotte are Bling and Bling, so when we see each other, we go "bling bling." In Chamber Choir, we sight read a bit, and then we took our "short break," in which I hung out with Emily and Aimee, and they reminisced about songs they had sung in Serenata. They got stuck on this one song called "The River Sleeps Beneath The Sky," and couldn't remember some words. So I led them to the music archives in the library, and we found it. Yay! So after class, they walked down the hall singing it. Oh, and we did All-State quintets for fun. I sang with Emily, Zack, Hannah, and Elizabeth. I could've done better. Zack and I don't harmonize well, in my opinion, so when Emily came in, it was like, *relief*. Oh, and in other news, Ian sang the tenor line better than Kevin! Yay! This is a good thing becaue Kevin is our lead tenor (he is also a senior) and it's nice to know Ian is so good since he'll be in next year as well. Psychology. Presented my silly psychology project. Got a 100, whee. Ms. Capers wrote nicely on my paper that my voice was great but that my eye contact sucked a big one. Thank you, Ms. Capers. Lunch. Nothing, really. Just random RobbieKimness. Concert Choir...we started sightreading, and I got Michael to sing happy birthday to his crush, Elizabeth. It was so cute!!! *insert cloud of doom* English. The good part was that Mrs. Suber was our substitute, yay. *likes Mrs. Suber* The bad part was that Travis and William enjoy making fun of me because I can be a bit feminine, and today I got tired of it. William is trying to make me admit I'm gay or something and so is Travis. William kept trying to give me a back massage so I would like it or something. I think he wants me to come up to him after class and be like, "wanna go out?" or something. And when I told William to stop, Travis was like, "You know you like it!" And I was like "no, I don't." And William was like "just ignore him." Oh, that was it. I turned around and said, "You are being just as horrible to me as he is. You have no room to be telling me ANYTHING about Travis. You have been nothing but mean to me since this school year started. Maybe not in a cruel way, but I know what you're doing and I'm getting really tired." The horrible thing is that he denies the whole thing. I am just pissed beyond belief right now. I can't even begin to tell you how upset it made me. I just want to thank someone who will neve read this, though. Thank you, Brittany, for playing on my team. I know I can always count on a reassuring smile and a kind word from you. It's good to know there are some golden people in the world. And that's really all. *heart ewa ewa*
Read 4 comments
Eh don't you pay attention to those jerks from English man, that's my advice. There are plenty of people out there that like you, and those two just don't know what they're messing with.

i had to sing that a few years ago in high school. paul lawrence dunbar if i'm not mistaken.

heh take care
hehe, I stumbled on your entry looking for the lyrics to "the river sleeps" because I sang that song in high school and love it! You're adoralble :-)
excuse me,could u plz email me the lyrics to the river sleeps benath the sky Ilost my sheet music:(