i've been waiting since i can't remember

Feeling: psyched
Let's just start with Friday. Friday was Kim's birthday. After I got off work, Joy picked me and Michael up and we all rode to Sticky Fingers together. We met up with Mark, Pat, Kathy, and Dale once we got there. We had a great time, which included the opening of cards and three of us having extremely embarassing moments. After that, we left the people we met up with and went to Barnes & Noble. We looked at wedding books and talked about things we talk about, and then we went home. Saturday, I took the SAT. I took it with Leland, but we didn't really get to talk until after it was over. It was alright. I didn't put forth a great deal of effort on the math but I did on the verbal. Afterward, we had a dress rehearsal for our puppet thing which went relatively well. Then I had to take Michael back to my house to get ready for the gig Chamber Choir did. That was very annoying because for some reason everything Michael does annoys me. Don't ever watch football with him because everything that happens, he says, for example, "first down!" or "ooh, fumble!" Basically, anything the players do short of breathing. Anyway, so we went to Kenwood to sing at (who I later learned was) the Porn Guy's house. It was the most relaxed I have ever felt during a choral performance. Emily is fun to stand next to. She makes me feel confident. Maybe because she is such a good performer. It was weird before the performance though, because all the guys but me stayed outside and I stayed inside to talk to the girls. I like most of the girls better anyway. AF and I have the most amusing relationship. I never thought she would be somebody you could make those fake sexy faces at or pick on in a joking manner, but she totally is. Love that kid. After THAT, I took Michael back to my house, he left, and Joy invited me to go to Barnes & Noble again because of extremely stressful events regarding Kim and James that I won't discuss here. Just basically, James' parents suck. So we did that, and met up with Kim & Georgia. Today was good. All the performances went well. But there's this kid named Bryan who harasses Kim all the time. I was tired of seeing/hearing about it, so when Kim told Bryan not to mess with her during the performance, he tried to turn it around on her, so I told him that I watched and that she didn't touch him once. Then he tried to say that I've been messing with him too. He got what he wanted, because I yelled that that was complete bullcrap, that I had not gotten near him ever. Then he tried to play the "y'all are just plotting against me" card, and still in the room, I said to Kim and Joy and whoever else, "I don't touch him! I don't go near him!" and when I went back out in the hall, he was like, "y'all are talking about me behind my back," and so I said, "everything I said to them I said to your face already," and he said, "want to do it again," and I said sure. But that's when Kim shut me up. But anyway, the scrollbar is starting to look kind of tiny. I'm glad I learned that he is a person who likes to push people's buttons and it isn't worth wasting perfectly good emotions over. So I'm just not going to do anything anymore. Last week of the semester coming up. Let's make it a good one.
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sometimes you seem a little belligerent, drew... from now on just ignore him because all he wants is the attention you and kim successfully gave him today... :-