Listening to: Price to Play - Staind
Feeling: patriotic
God, I'm so silly. I know I hate him now. But I just can't stop thinking about him. What's wrong with me...? I just want to stop thinking about him. I'm fairly sure I don't even care about him anymore, I've found so many different people so much better. But he still remains in my mind at all times. What does this mean? Does it mean I haven't gotten over him? But he hasn't cared about me for a long time now, and he cares about someone else, one of my friends. Who he met through me, as a twist of fate... No. I don't like him, or if I do, I don't WANT to like him. I just want to get him OUT OF MY FUCKING SYSTEM. I'm so pathetic... I wish he'd just leave my head, because he sure left my heart when he hurt me all those times. God, I ramble. I'm sorry to anyone reading this.
And I started on Prozac. Well, a pill which is the same as Prozac but has a stupid name. m/
hey pepto bismo.......
My username's qui3t, you got an LJ, then?
- [wallflower] (who is too lazy to sign in)