All the world I've seen before me passing by

Feeling: punk
Everytime I seem to love someone, or like them a lot, they never return that feeling. Not just romantically, but in every other way. I'm fairly sure no one loves me. I have absolutely no self worth, I've written it on my skin with a razor enough times to know this by now. None of my friends really know me not really. They know a side of me, the happy one. She's not really happy anyway, that's pretty much all fabricated. The only person who knows I hurt myself is the one trying to convince me to keep living. He says that things will get better, that one day someone will adore me. I don't see that happening. Not if i can't even like myself. There's just no point. I few days ago I thought I was dead; I didn't know where I was or what I was feeling, my entire being was lost in thought of life and death and pain. I lost it a few times and tried to bash myself, the bruises are small but noticeable. I had another appointment with my psychiatrist, who knows nothing of this, and managed to convince him I was completely sane. I don't think that's a good thing, I mean, he could be able to help me. But I just don't trust him. I don't trust anyone. My life isn't even in my own hands anymore, it is in the hands of another person who I talk to by phone or MSN. We're not close in real life, we can never get away from others. I'm so confused. I want to die everyday of my life, but I'm too scared to. My entries are always so sad and pathetic, I'm sorry to anyone who made it this far reading.
Read 3 comments
im james, i was just reading your diary and wanted to introduce myself to you. I was hoping we could be friends since i didnt see any on your diary page. Maybe i could be the first, well thats if u want. But yea uhhh i just wanted to say hi. Well hopefully we can talk sumtime. Take care and God bless.

my aim sn is Undonevocals8503 if u ever wanna talk :)
hey its me again. Well yea i hope you dont think im a stalker or anything,lol. Im not,lol. i notice that your entries r kinda sad and was hoping maybe if there was some way i could help you out or try to cheer you up. i f u need sum 1 to talk to i will listen to what you have to say. Or if u need advice or sumthin i can try to help. it just bothers me to see you like this. i know i dont know you but i would still like to help if i can or if uwant
Awww. Wow. I feel like that a lot too. =/
Maybe.. maybe you should just try trust the psychiatrist, what's the worst that could happen..?