
Everyone look at me I'm falling apart I need to use my eyes to see Instead of my broken heart But my emotions make me blind And I don't know what's right I'm losing my mind Please not another fight I don't mean to hurt anyone But just for awhile worry about myself I need to have fun And not worry about anyone else I have a habit of putting other people before myself. Well, I'm getting a slap in the face with reality lately. People just bring mad drama and make my life harder. It seems everyone I helped and looked out for aren't there now that I need them the most. They're to caught up in themselves. What would they do if I just thought about myself all the time? Who am I kidding? I'll always look out for them, but it still hurts.
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It hurts as well when you really try and put other people first and then they go into themselves and won't let you - sorry random comment just a bit sad atm.
