well I mean, if everyone's doing it...

..100 THINGS.... 1* First grade teacher's name: Mrs Fariello 2* Last word you said: creepy 3* Last song you sang: She paints me blue 4* Last person you hugged: deanna? 5* Last thing you laughed at?: something nate said probably 6* Last time you said "I'm in love with you"?: probably like a month or two ago 7* Last time you cried?: last night *PRESENT* 9*What color socks are you wearing: plaid and santa! 10* What's under your bed: a scrap book and some sleeping bags 11* What time did you wake up today: 6:30 12* Current taste: cookies and cream candy bar 13* Current hair: how it's always been? 15* Current annoyance: boredom 16* Current longing: to have a purpose in life 17* Current desktop background: a tropical beach 18* Current worry: how am i going to pass chem? 19* Current Hate: being bored 20* Current favorite outfit: jeans & green shirt 21-Favorite CD- Under A Killer Blue Sky, or maybe that mix Matt burned me? 22- Best frined in elementary school- Stef Beekman! and alice 23- Favorite Russian Hockey player- Whatthe Crapinsky Jr. 24- Lucky number- 12 25- Do you like it when they randomly leave questions off of surveys like this- all the time 26*If you could play an instrument, what would it be: gee golly i wish i could play some instruments..not like i can master them all or anything...but i'd have to say bassoon would be fun to start 27* Favorite color(s): blue 28* Do you believe in an afterlife: maybe? 29* How tall are you: 5'5'? 30* Current favorite word/saying: BITCH IMA CUT YOU 31* Favorite book: not the pit book this year 32* Favorite season: i like them all 33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: he's a cool kid 34 What would you do if you woke up and found out you were on cocaine- I'd say "damn nigguh pleaz I'm outta coke" *FUTURE* 35* Where do you want to go for college?: uhh..crane? i dunno 36* What is your career going to be like: What ever I find myself doing when its time to have a career. 37* How many kids do you want: i dunno 38. Thing about the future that scares you most throughly: leaving everyone behind *HAVE YOU EVER...* 39* Said "I love you" and meant it: yes 40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: yes all four at the same time 41* Been to New York City? yes 42* Been to Florida: yes 43* Been to California: i wish 44* Been to Hawaii: not yet 45* Been to Mexico: nope 46* Been to China: no 48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: yes that happens a lot 52* Do you have a crush on someone: your mother 53* What book are you reading now?: Invisible Man 54* Worst feeling in the world: being completely bored 55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: damn you ariel, damn you 56* How many rings before you answer: i don't answer bwahahah 57* Future daughter's name: Adelle (or Mitten) 58* Future son's name: Sam (or Lard) 59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: not anymore 60* If you could have any job you wanted: saving the environment. yeah that's a fulltime job bitches 61* Wish you were: okay you just got punched in the stomach for saying an incomplete sentence. but other than that, I wish you were here. 62* Future College plans: feggit 63* Piercings? 2 64* Do you do drugs: everyday of my life. I woke up being addicted to coke remember? 65* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? Herbal Essences 66* What are you most scared of? losing the people I love 67* What clothes do you sleep in? a tank top and shorts 68* Who is the last person that called you: I think the question is, who is the last person that Skyped me? yep, that'd be Nate 69* Where do you want to get married: on a beach or on a cliff 70* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: my indeciveness, which causes extreme unhappiness in my life 71* Who do you really hate: a few people 72* Are you timely or always late: always a little late 73* Do you have a job: you betcha! I'm the hottest Fariello's waitress around 74* Do you like being around people: yes 75* Best feeling in the world? running outside barefoot when it's raining 76* Are you for world peace: you better freaking believe it 77* Are you a health freak: i'm fat i don't qualify 78* Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: sort of? 79* Do you want someone you don't have?: yes 80* Are you lonely right now? not at this current exact second in time 81* Ever afraid you'll never get married? not really 82* Do you want to get married: yes If question number 83 were here what would it say? Are you a whore? to which I'd need to answer Yes. *IN THE LAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU...* 84* Cried: yes 85* Bought Something: yes 86* Gotten Sick: no 87* Sang: yes 88* Said I Love You: yes 89* Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them:yes 90* Met Someone?: no can't say I have 91* Moved On: no 92* Talked To Someone: yes 93* Had A Serious Talk: probably 94* Missed Someone: yes 95* Hugged Someone: yes 96* Yelled at Someone: yes 97* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be with: yes 98* Kissed someone: no 99* Have u ever been heartbroken: yes 100* Do you like the way things are with life right now?: not really 101* Did Nate's roommate really jump out the window?: I guess he did
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