* what a night *

hello everyone... or anyone who cares to read this... how has your day been? mine, well something else i tell you that to start off i didn't get up until about 3:00 in the afternoon... after getting a call from my stud muffin troy getting me up but hey i got lots of sleep... and then i had to get up anyway to get a shower and get ready to go to the movies... here's where it gets good...LOL well i went to the movies and i was waiting on troy and we were goin to see harry potter and it was almost 7:00 and he wasn't there yet so i had to get my buddy josh to buy me a ticket and nate showed up so we went and saw the day after tomorrow... it was okies i guess... i was to busy thinking about where troy was and whatnot,the thing i didn't know tho was that troy has showed up and was looking for me everywhere. well, he checked all the movies and said he didn't see me and i didn't hear him call me either so he went to the mall and checked everywhere and then came back to the movies and found my mom and finally found me... he was scared to death but i was there the whole time tho... then the movie was over after he had only been there about 25 minutes... yeah that was a lot of crazy stuff right there... then, he had no ride home b/c he left the house to come see me when his mom wouldn't take him and that's a long story so to make it short.... we had to come home to wake daddy up so we took troy with us and we get home and daddy's already up so then we leave and take troy all the way home... which is about 40 minutes from my house so i got to see him a little extra thank god... and no comment for the ride to his house... hehehehe well i know this bored lots of you b/c i'm sure you don't care to hear me blab about my day sothat's all folks... toodles *bte
Read 4 comments
My day was on the edge of being bad but not too bad to say it was a bad day--so it was okay. Thanx for asking.

Later days
cool diary......what font are you using, I would like to know, I like it
What is Hoobastanl's CD name?

HAve a nice day.
thanks I'm getting it for a friend's B-day!! YAY!! ne ways thanks again!