Listening to: Haha take a guess.
Feeling: beat
Well. Today was pretty sucky.
Did nothing. Had one of those assemblies and just kinda sat there because Max was talking to Corey and Dan was talking to Marissa of course :)
Oh there was a good point where Dan yelled I love you to the Major.
And Max said MELINDA YOU'RE MY BIGGEST FAN!...Instead of I'm your biggest fan... get it haha
So then I stayed after school.
And it was me and Cody and Dan.
and Teetsel was being a total bitch and like freaked out about Cody's bookbag because it isnt SEE THROUGH.
So of course Pakistan came up and yelled at him.
The poor kid. He got yelled at for his bookbag, for skateboarding, for like everything.
I hate teachers.
So then we went up to see Dans mom and visited her for a while and looked at the yearbook and schtuff :)
And we went to see Miss Rothwell and Mrs. Beleski or whatever.
She had a bear in her classroom haha
ANd then we were tlaking to Dans mom and I looked at the clock and saw it was like 3:29 and Im like Oh. my god. I have to meet Scott.
And Dans like He wont care if you're a few minutes late!
And Im like Dan. Scott will kill me.
So I like ran down from the elementary all the way down to the gym and we walked around until he rolled up in his Escalade.
I dont know. The four of us had alot of fun. Cody and Dan were skateboarding and me and Dan switched shoes :) and then I was walking to the parking lot and I came back to talk to Scott and Dan came like skateboarding so I was like watching him and I didnt pay attention to where I was going and I tripped on a stick and like fell :) haha it was so funnnyyyyy. Me and Scott like died. I didnt fall on my face I caught myself. But it was still hysterical.
So then when they were skateboarding me and Scott went inside and walked around to my locker and stuff for awhile. We walked to my locker and hung out there and to the vending machines and got a bunch of soda and food. He got cheese doodles and rubbed the orange stuff all over me and I cried. Not really. But I did make him feel bad :) And we were walking by the cafeteria and the table was like... I dont know it was really weird but needless to say I thought I saw Codys fro like sticking out from one of the tables and I was like CODY WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?! and it was a table haha.
Wow Im gay.
So what else went downnn. Oh and then we were in the hallway getting my CD player because Dan wanted to listen to some things and Miss Kahle came downstairs and like freaked on us and said we had to be down at the gym. ...Another time Cody got yelled at haha. So we walked down and stopped at the cafeteria and hung out in there for a little while. We said if Mrs. Kahle came after us we'd say we were all making out haha. That was a fun time.
So hmmm. Then we decided to go out on the playground. Man it was so fun. I couldnt get those orange swings going so like Scott was pushing me and he accidently grabbed my hair and like slammed my head back into the bar lmao. The kid was trying to kill me I swear to god. And Scotts like LETS BE ROMEO AND JULIETTE. CLIMB UP THE SLIDE TO ME! So I like climb up the slide after my like third try and hes like AWESOME and then tries to push me off the freaking platform thing. I died like 198310 times today. So then we all climbed into the tubeslide. All four of us :) Me and Scott were... somewhere. On the teeter totters or something. OH I was teaching him riverdance haha. And then Im like Where are Cody and Dan? and hes like I dont know. and Im like TO THE TUBE SLIDE. and I like went in the bottom and saw Codys legs and Scott went in through the top haha it was so funny. Like all of us were in there for a good 15 minutes. It was hott as a mother fo. and then all of a sudden I like hear a noise and Cody comes like flying down the slide at me and I like closed my eyes and cringed and like I opened them and his legs were like one inch from my head. Oh man it was one of the scariest moments of my life haha.
So then we were all talking and hanging out on those little spring things with like the motorcylce ones and stuff. and Codys like KAYLA HOP ON THIS ONE WITH ME! so I go over there and his butt takes up the whole seat so Im like sitting on the little thing of the race car and its seriously like 1 mm thick. and like Cody fell forward and it like went into my crotch and I like fell off in pain haha. Im like CODYYY I JUST LOST MY VIRGINITY TO A RACE CARRRRRR :( and then there was like the make out house when whe were kids and Im like IM GOING TO JUMP ON IT! So I went to the fence and jumped and was too short and like smacked my knees off the sides and like fell over in pain. and Dans like KAYLA ARE YOU OKAY?! and Im like AHHH MY KNEEEEEE! I BUSTED A CAP!!! and Dans like HA THAT WAS A GOOD ONE and came like charging at me and him and scott like picked me up and we were walking and Cody tried to grab my feet out from under me and that just was NOT a fun time. Then me and Scott and Dan were all cuddling on the spider thing and like I was on the end and Im like looking around and stuff and theres this brown like upside down U thing made out of wood its like a little cave, and all of a sudden I see Cody go RUNNING at it and he like jumps up ontop of it and I guess he had too much momentum or something because he rolled right off the otherside. It was just funny. Like I look over and see Cody flying midair and then scream and roll off.
So then I go running over there and Im like CODY ARE YOU OKAY?! and hes like GOD MY DICKS JUST GETTING BEAT THE HELL UP TODAY! and I told him he was never going to be able to have kids haha.
So then we decided it was time to see Marissa so we went and found her and Lyndsey and stuff and they all had sex with Scott and Dan and I sat around with Paul and his dead mouse. And then Scott and me and Paul went for a walk and Scotts like IM SO FREAKING COLD and Im like Pauulll and hes like Kaylaaaaa and I told him to give me his sweatshirt and I put it on and then Scott put on mine.
Paul smells really good haha.
Anyway so Scott put on my Brand New sweatshirt and looked so cute as a little rocker boy. I was surprised :) I was like SCOTTY. See you dont need to be ghetto you look so much better haha. It was a good time.
Oh and I almost got hit by a car and Scott like grabbed me and pulled me into the parking lot so fast I got whiplash haha. And then I saved his life because I basketball flew at his head and I really quick smacked it away and pegged some little boy walking by.
I felt bad. But Scott almost died I had to do SOMETHING haha
So then we got our CANNED GOODS (or weapons of mass destruction as Scgody calls them) and went up to the game where he completely ignored me and raped all his other hos.
That was a fun time.
and me and Emilie sat there like the depressed little girls that we were haha
and then stupid MAX didnt follow through with the PLAN. Stupid retard. YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING RIGHT MAX... just playin :)
Well. Overall the day was pretty good. Its only when we got in our group of like 2198310 and everyone hated me that things started to suck. Up to that though I had so much fun :) I missed Scott alot. And I havent talked to Paul in a while. And I dont really get to see Dan and Cody all that much anymore so it was awesome that I got to spend the day with them :)
Thanks for all the fun times guys.
I love you all :)
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