I'm super cute?

Listening to: ESPN
Feeling: baffled
Your: Cool kitten. Your super cool, cute and popular. your sweet on the guys and totally into fashion. You are naturally a perfectionist and are very artisitc.
Your: Cool kitten. Your super cool, cute and
popular. your sweet on the guys and totally
into fashion. You are naturally a perfectionist
and are very artisitc.

What kind of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Does that look like a super cute girl into fashion?! Okay well Marissa does in her pink hat. BUT HELLO?! Quizzes lie haha
Read 3 comments
ehehe yes im an aussie
nah im not cool
your from america im guessing?
you guys have funny accents

ahhaa i know parents are so povo
it was so mean
my "treat" when i was little
would consist of a tomato or something

yes for us candy theifs!

love hannah
oh and yes
you are super cute
ehehe that smile
Hey yak.
I love you to pieces :)

WHY you find that so great, I have no clue. You're a strange one :)