
My mind has been feeding off of abstract thoughts. I'm craving a run though. So I might end up running. I don't know why I started this entry; I don't have anything to write. I have these plans for the future set in my head. They're plans for the future and they seem like they're stolen from a screenplay. I'm counting down the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds until they become real. But I'm going to do them. I wish I could only talk about it. Maybe after awhile I will speak about them. But they really are glorious. It's funny that I miss him so much and want to be with him, but I don't want to speak to him. I miss being able to write, and I miss understanding my feelings. Today, work was pretty good. My tips ranged from 19%-25%. I'm working tomorrow also. I'm waiting for a day where I don't say anything awkward. I really do love waitressing though. It keeps me busy, and I have to work for my money. Blah. I really don't have much else to say.
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dually noted, thank you. i meant to add moroco on there.