you seem so out of context

So in vogue magazine, they presented the facts that women who keep things inside are more likely to have a heart attack than woman who bring up problems. So this is my plan for summer-to actually fight with people. not the petty nasty arguements, but I can't even rememember the last time before reading the article that i bursted at someone in anger. I can't even yell at my own mother, which some people have no trouble yelling at their own mothers who once hosted them in their wombs. [Sometimes I just crack myself up with how I say stupid things and take myself seriously]. Before, I just skimmed the article, but today I perused it, and I'm going to try to change for once. I started grocery shopping with my mother, and when she started getting pissy at me I started with my bursts- nothing major. It was only a "I don't understand why you always give me those looks and have to sigh at everything I do". although I hated to be there and public and look like one of those brawling mother and daughter, but I got something out for once. However, even though Vogue stated women who have outbursts of anger are less likely to have heart attacks, they forgot the part where women who have outbursts of anger tend to make bad impressions. That's just my little side story to keep myself amused. In fact, I think this whole diary is here to amuse myself. However, I'm not complaining. It's nice to come back to this site and just rant and proof my stupidity. It's nice. So school's out, and I'm just glad. I'm glad to have time alone so I figure some stuff out.
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it posted, how are you?
