[4] Trailor Trash

Listening to: treble charger
Feeling: antisocial
i just got back from the trailor lol what a fun weekend there was no adults there last night they were all at a dance so we had the pakr all to ourselvs lol ryan eric and jay wer pretending to be the guys from jackass HAHA poll volting over picnic tables and jumping over fence s at least attempting too we all almost pissed oursleves laughing when ryan landed on a peice of wood trying to jump a fence then we went in to my trailor and watched honey there was 8 of us and then all the adults came bakc around 1 am most of them were drunk lol lotsa sick people the next morning ha there was an adult the night before that hit a 15 year old kid and then he got kicked out of the trailor park for good anyways just wanted to write again ttyl
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