Listening to: Sand Storm
Feeling: alive
I went shopping today. I havn't been in a while which is scary considering I am addicted to the sport.
I went to Garage.. spent about 200$. American Eagle.. 100$... yeahh that's pretty bad considering I only bought three things from American Eagle. A tote bag, sunglasses and a shirt.
I love shopping.
I really do.
It's honestly my calling.
I have a huge purple blue and yellow welt on my hip from rugby and it only seems to get bigger and bigger everyday.
Btw. I retired Asparagus. I started a new journal. Her name is Umbrella.
I would never get rid of my SITD though. I love it to much.
I havn't put an updated photo of me up in a while.
Here is one I took today...
♥ AE Girl

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