Listening to: Recess
Feeling: apologetic
Well. I found this on someones diary and it reminds me so much of why I loved learning about stuff in Civics. I find this stuff wrong and disgusting and something that is making our world turn in a bubbling pit of remorse and favoritism between nations with money and nations without.
These companies murder innocent people who ask for a little more money. 60 cents a day is enough to bbuy nothing and support not even 0.0000000000000000000000000001% of a family. They are doing things that some people get throw in jail for the rest of there lives for. Only they are killing hundreds of thousands of people every day. Not just their workers but their workers families who are starving to death because they can't even afford to buy a loaf of bread or a spec of clean water. Imagine that? Imagine getting next to nothing a day and not even having enough money to buy food. Having a loaf of bread or stale milk as a luxury to you and having to share it with 10 people. Working harder then most people where we live and not even getting apid minimum wage.
I'm not being a hypocrit and saying anyone who supports this is wrong because yes I probably do wear clothes that are made in sweat shops. I just want people to realize what these people are going through.
But personally I have boycotted Nike because of it. I know they are the worst of all. I hope you realize it too.
Let's put the CEO's of these companies in these shops. Lets put their daughters on one of those stools and force them to work 14 hours a day with nothing to cover their hands and no food to get energy from. Let's see how they like it because if you ask me. They have no idea what these people are going through. Its racism , and it's completely degrating to think that some people actually beleive in this stuff.
So let's boycott Nike.
♥ Learn To Protect

like the pictures you used in this entry. Did you design those yourself?