Listening to: nothing....
Feeling: resentful
Gack! My parents are going to dinner in Mount Pleasant? Do yopu know where Mount Pleasant is?! It's like 15 minutes away from Jaymes house and do you think they will drive me there. NOPE! Fgts! But yes, Amanda and Genna slept over last night. Fun Fun Fun. Genna was sleeping with her eyes open and blinking and it was creepy. That was one very interesting night for more then that reason. Reasons in which I really don't want to say. It's not particularly writable. You never know who reads this thing.
I went to the mall yesterday and bought some things with my Christmas Money. I bought my DC Shoes! Black and Purple! Oui Oui! and then we went to Garage and I bought some jeans a shirt and a sweater thing. I still have about 150$$$ left. I love christmas money!.
Going to Virginia in four freaking days! I think I'm going to die, and Jayme is comming! Woot! She gets the pick line taken out on the 30th and she'll be able to come. Skiing/Tubing/Horsebackriding/Swimming can't wait!
¢¾ Yeah That's Funky