Listening to: sugarcult
Feeling: aggravated
i haev so much to do =( i dont want to do any of it i have to:
-study for exams
-memorize a dead guys play (shakespeare)
-my math isu
-have a shower
-my other half of my art exam
i refuse to do any of it because most of that shit is stupid ecpet for taking shower beacuse well yha you know i dont like this site if it delets my entry one more time i will have to strangle something msn is pissing me off it keeps signing me out i smell popcorn and now im starting to ramble... do do do do do... i like the song im listening to i also have to make up a 4 minute dance by thursday for my dance exam and i haev to do a ballet exam I DONT EVEN TAKE BALLET!!! god people are stupid these days pfft they should all die anyone who beleives in exams should die in a fucking hole
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