Listening to: no music at the momment =(
Feeling: achy
hey i haven't been writing in a long time wow i guess i hvae been working on my story to much anyways we start school today the first day we get to go at 10:30 so i decided to leave an entry
-antitheus i would love to read ur story add me to ur friends list ill add you to mine
and thanks to all the people who read my story it kinda sucks but its only my first one so....
ahh my neck hurts, when i was at my trailor i must have slept on it wrong and it has been hurting ever since i had to go home early and i felt real bad cuz my friend was with me when i got home i just sat in my bathroom and cried i wasn't having a very good day that day....
anyways i shall go write more for my tsory i am kind of stuck at the momment if you dont already know my story account is danceallnight
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