[6] Things

Listening to: honey soundtrack
Feeling: whatever
I AM: sick =( I WILL: go to the trailor agin soon I MISS: jayme I HEAR: words I SMELL: pop corn mm I CRAVE: cookiees I REGRET: sumthing i just cant remember what I LOVE: my dog I FORGET: what i regret I ALWAYS: am on the computer I DANCE: all the time I SING: good charlotte I CANT: breathe I LOOSE: everything I LIKE: hoses I HOPE: those moths are gone (dont ask) I LISTEN: to music I WORRY: about certain people I DISSAPOINT: myself I ENJOY: my trailor I FEAR: frogs ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I DESERVE: ???? I SEE: words I PLAY: music I NEVER: relized people were as stupid as the three jackass's lol I HAVE: myself I NEED: a hig =( I KNOW: im hungry I WANT: yo live at my trailor I OBSESS: about everything I BELIEVE: in santa I WISH: i had a flower I CRY: a lot I FELL: down a hill =S
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i like hoses too except when you harass me with them when im in my boat house thing