Listening to: girl- destiny's child
Feeling: conflicted
+ I want a boy.
+ A nice boy.
+ A boy who has shaggy hair and lets me play with it.
+ Someone who would move the hair away from my eyes and then kiss me.
+ Hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous.
+ Someone who would sing to me at random moments.
+ Who would let me sleep on their chest.
+ And I would love it that whenever we went to shows, he'd let me
drool over the lead singer for the night.
+ He would let me wear his clothes
+ He likes sports but not is completely involved with it and he would aks me to come and watch
+ He would apologize for calling too much and no matter how many times
I tell him its okay, he still does it--And I don’t get sick of it.
+ Kisses me on the neck
+ He would get along with my parents
+ At class change he would pull me over in the hallways no matter who he was with just to give me a kiss and or hug
+ And on his birthday, I'd treat him to his favorite restaurant.
+ We would have contests of how far we could spit our gum, or how far we
could jump off a swing.
+ He would take me to the park.
+ we’d make fun at people at the mall together
+ Sometimes at night we would put on music and dance in our pajamas.
+ If i fell asleep early I would wake up adn his arms would be around me
+ Oh and I'd love his bed head.
+ And we'd always take pictures in photo booths.
+ We would play tag on the beach.
+ He'd tell all his friends about me (not just the night we spent together) and smile whne he would talk about me
+ He would come to dances with me and dance and he should be able to dance a little
+ We'd sit on the kitchen floor and talk
+ We'd make out in the rain.
+ He'd always tell me when something didn’t look good, and I didn’t mind.
+ He'd play monopoly with me until the "wee hours" of the morning.
+ I would sit in between his legs and he would help me play playstation/xbox/ whatever he has also he would elt me distract him when he was playing
+ Sometimes he we would play guitar together, but we would always end
up laughing at each other.
+ He'd make cute noises in his sleep, like when he'd roll over.
+ He'd run his fingers through my hair
+ He'll always make out with me when I want him to and never pull
+ Someone to share lollie pops with.
+ He will get along with all my friends, and vice versa.
+ We'll go to the dinner real late and make friends with everyone there.
+ He would buy me TBS shirts.
+ He would never be embarrassed to say "I Love You" In front of his
+ He would show up randomly at dance practice and distract me and smile when i would be dancing
+ He never censors himself if he wants to say 'cute' or 'awwww'.
+ We'd take midnight car rides down to the beach.
+ We'd have pillow fights and throw sheets when we changed them.
+ I want a boy who can argue over stupid things with me
+ He'd love music just as much as I do, but still have that punk rock
side to him.
+ A perfect outfit would be beige cargo shorts skate shoes or converse and a band t-shirt
+ We'll kiss at midnight on new years in Times Square.
+ He would come to all my performances, big or small, good or bad.
+ abs would be nice =D
+ We would make funny faces at each other when im on the phone.
+ I want someone who would lay with me outside under the stars.
+ Someone who will squirt me with water guns in the house.
+ I would like to write my name in a heart on his hip bone, and him to
write his on mine.
+ Someone who would tell me I was beautiful, but not too often.
+ Someone who would make me laugh like no one else could.
+ He would scream every word to every song we play in the car.
+ He would elt me blast the music in the car even if he didn't like the song
+ He'd surprise me all the time.
+ He’d like to watch me sleep
+ He'd like to chew ice just as much as I did.
+ He wouldn't break my heart or lie to me.(or cheat)
+ A boy who likes stars also like I do.
+ We'd quote lines from movies or songs to describe the moment.
+ He'd hold me closer than normal if I was sick.
+ He would draw me pictures.
+ We'd go out a lot, but also stay home some weekends like hermits and
keep to ourselves.
+he’d let me pick out a few cute shirts for him and we’d play dress up
+ He would call me at 4 in the morning and tell me how much he missed me
+ We'd buy disposable camera's and take tons of pictures.
+ We'd fight sometimes. But he never settles on what I think, it would
have to be mutual.
+ I want a boy who would open up to me.
+ He would buy skittles and let me have all the blue ones =D
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