(106.) used to be number ten

Name- Rachel Age- 15 Birthday- May 11 Nickname- Kuhn, Lois..whatever else ppl like to call me. Eye color- blue/green Hair color- brown with some blonde Height- the nurse said 6 foot? *Wishes & Such Person you wish could fall in love with you-hehe you don't need to know that...right? One thing you want most- rachel banks to die Thing you've wished for the most- for a computer in my room Do you believe in fairies? fairies..no Or angels? yes *Love Are you in love- no Have you ever been in love- no Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend- no If yes, do they treat you good- What's the first thing you notice of the opposite sex- hair, smile, eyes Do you believe in love- yes Or love at first sight- yes Ever had a one night stand- nope Ever fallen in love with a friend- no Do you believe in true love- yes *Favorites Sport- no thanks Song- Pink and Black-tyler hilton Band- man i can't say just one come on now Singer- Tyler Hilton :) Movie- omg i love way to many movies to pick one would be too hard Memory- i cant say i have a "memory", but anytime with my pep-pep is a great one. Actor- Chad Michael Murry :) Actress- NATALIE GNIPP Restaurant- Nenos :DDD Color- Black, pink, purple, orange Place to hang out- eat n park man yea. CD- Brad Paisley Number- 11 *CrEaTe If you could write a book, what would you name it- im not sure depends what the books about What would be the plot- dude im not gonna write a book so whocares. How many people would die- prob a lot def rachel banks. Would it be sad or uplifting- prob sad i tend to like sad things more (like eeyore) ;) Do you write poetry- no If yes, what kind- Do you write storys- no, but stephanie writes good ones ;) If yes, what kind- Can you draw- um..i like to think i can. Can you sing- no, but that doesn't stop me. *Hobbies Do you play sports- no. Write- no Sing- for fun yes. Act- no Collect anything- yes lots of things sculpt- no build- no blend- no other - idk *SeXy Are you a virgin- yes If yes, are you waiting for marriage- no If no, when did you lose your virginity- Where did you lose it- Was it with someone you love- Someone you trust- Do you dress "sexy"- uh no. Do people think you dress "sexy"- no. Do you/will you use condoms or pills- both i guess what do you care? Hugs are great, sex can wait?- um..ok *Stereotypes Do you label people- yes..:( Have you been labeled- yes Do you like labels- no. What are you labeled as- i dunno. Are all blondes dumb- fuck yea..hahah Do you like mexicans- dude if you know me you know this question alright Are you racist- again..^ *FUN Are you a risk taker- depends ;) If not, would you like to be- Truth or Dare- truth! Are you the life of the party- i dunno am i? Do people think you're boring- i dunno Summer or Winter- Spring? hehe What's the most fun you've ever had- oh geez well i dunno the last time i had fun was at the mall last friday with ALL of my girls :))) Ever done drugs- no. Pills- no not really. Ever drank alchohol- yea Are you drug free- yes. If not, do you think you should be- Do you like to have fun- YESSSSS *Random Do you like these surveys- i dunno Are you bored- no..im listening to my new cd why would i be bored Is mine any good- uh.. Do you need a life- yes. Should you be sleeping at this hour- uh no. Have you ever tried to count the stars- yes hehe thanks shannon i got this from you :)
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awww ur cute :)