Happy Thanksgiving

Feeling: cold
So today was definatley interesting. I guess my aunt and uncle seperated last weekend... so my aunt cried through the whole dinner. It was awful. And for some reason I like coudln't breathe a couple of times.. it was bad. Then my other aunt gave me like 15 pairs of jeans she can't fit into anymore. I was like holy crap! Then I guess my cousin Nick is going to move in with Aunt Lori and Uncle Bill which is like awesome.. but not til the end of next summer. Oh well, that kid is great :P Robbie and I are planning a ski trip together! Its gonna be so much fun, we're thinking Greek Peak. That's gonna be so awesome! And he had his new Elk brochure, it was awesome. MICHELLE, MIDDY WAS IN IT!!!!! I died.... he looks SO hott, haha :) Then I came home, and I'm like hacking up a lung, which I have been all day and dad goes "If you don't get yourself better you won't be able to go skiing." I almost started crying. I said "Thats not fair!! I'm doing EVERYTHING I can, I take the medicine the doctors give me, I sleep ALL the time to try and get better, I'm taking cough medicine now. HOW CAN YOU TAKE AWAY THE ONE THING THAT REALLY MATTERS TO ME THE MOST?!?!" He goes "Well, Julie (my mom), I guess we better get her another doctors appointment" I was so upset about that. I will not listen to him though, I AM going skiing this year. Every trip to Elk, WINDHAM, HUNTER, and most importantly KILLINGTON!!!! I'm so sick of being sick all the time. Oh well, so that was MY thanksgiving... great huh?
Read 4 comments
hey i just kind of came across your journal and i really dig it a lot. especially the background and your top_left image. neato. and i'm sorry you kind of had a bad thanksgiving. i'm not in for one yet, i hope... anyway, talk to you later.

i hate when family members break up..its so sad and annoying..
language="JavaScript">alert("YOUR TEXT GOES HERE")

Exactly like that!
awesome...I live by Dorney Park! haha