
Listening to: None
Feeling: crummy
I still feel like crap. Mom took me to the doctor's today. He looked in my mouth.. at my throat and goes "Oh my god." so mom and I are like what... and he's like "Oh baby, You've got strep." So reassuring. He also went on to say that he doens't think its mono. But if it is there's no cure or w/e and I'll just feel like I've been run over but a bus for six weeks. That also really reassured me. I'm taking the second largest dose of penicillen thats safe. He's like I normally give it to patients twice a day but in your case I'll definatley go three. No wonder I've felt like crap. After we got my prescription filled mom and I went to get groceries. I had to go out to the car like halfway through the store because I couldn't walk anymore Thats like how weak I am.. I could barely brush my hair this morning. I got home and started eating the italian ices she got me..they numbed my throat pretty good. Thats about all... Michelle, I told you.. you so died when I said that :) Don't worry.. I thought I was gonna fall off my chair :p
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aww i hope you get better, i'm sick too but not as bad.