I just got home like 15 minutes ago. This weekend was SO awesome. Friday in school Sfan and I skipped english to figure out something for our eco. project. Then I stayed after school to play tennis with Brian. Good times. After I came home we went to the legion for dinner which was an absolute party :p We were leaving and the McCauley's walked in so we ended up staying for another freggin two hours. I didn't get home until after 9. And I had so much to do, but whatever. Saturday I got up and took a shower. Then I got ready and packed everything. I was getting ready to do my hair, and I looked out the window and Donna and Michelle were already there, like greggin 45 minutes early. So I left without brushing my hair, haha. So at Michelle's we played DDR and watched a movie.. then we went for a walk. THEN we went back and drove to our favorite place EVER, The Highway Inn :D We got 5 dozen wings...Then went home :D So once at home we ate wings... like 2 1/2 dozen in one sitting :p Then we watched... umm... The Prince and Me which was cute but really corny. And now I'm forgetting what we did after that, I'm pretty sure we took a walk down the road, and like discovered this little bridge thing. It was a good time. Besides the fact that Michelle gave me a freggin heart attack. Seriously, HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THAT?!?!? Haha. And then we went back up to the house... and we were talking and stuff... Then we watched The Village, it was awesome. And then we went to sleep, 'cause we were exhausted. this morning we got up and got ready then we went to the mall! We were there too early, so we just got cappuchino and bagels :p After that we spent like 1 1/2 hours in Debs... and then walked around and bought random stuff :p I think I ended up getting 3 tank tops, a pair of capris, underwear, and more time for my phone. I restrained from buying bracelets at Claires even though they had some hott ones, because I have so many already. then after we ate lunch we went to Wal*mart. Michelle and Donna are so freggin embarssing, omg. I refuse to go into detail :p Anyways, then we had to go into Sally Beauty Supply Store 'cause her mom had to get stuff for her salon. Then we finally went home :p At Michelle's we finished up the last of the wings.. then tried on everything we bought. And more, haha we like raided her closet. After that we played DDR more... and Michelle's mom made us try this lipgloss stuff that she got. She didn't realize it was lip plumper or something gay like that, and when you put it on it made your lips sting like hell. Anyways after that I came home and here I am now... typing this. I'm so tired........
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interesting day....

x0x Gaby
Chek out my diary! There's an 'important' entry!!

Sounds stupid but seriously....

x0x Gaby