Fate Works Both Ways

I'm home. Okay, so Sunday we went out to Binghamton, had dinner, and spent the night in a hotel. But before I left Brian apologized. And I really didn't want to let myself be okay with everything that happened, because it was so awful. And I'm still not fully over it, but I did forgive him.... Then Monday we flew down to Florida, got there, checked into our resort and then just kinda hung out and ate dinner. Then we crashed 'cuase we had to get up at 3:30 in the morning to make our flight. Tuesday we went to Magic Kingdom. Did all the rides and stuff, went back to the hotel, then went back to Magic Kingdom until midnight. Wednesday we went to MGM. Tower or Terror and Rockin' Roller Coaster were fun, but the Rockin' Roller Coaster was really short. Anyways, we ate at the 50's Prime Time Cafe, and that was really fun. The waiter ended up feeding me my food... hmm. After that we went back to the hotel and then hit up the pool and hot tub. I called Michelle, and heard her flip out because, haha, well, she had REALLY good reason to flip out. Then my phone died... actually it did that twice. Then I charged the sucker up and called Brian. Thursday was Sea World. Loads of fun on the Journey to Atlantis and Kraken. Saw Shamu, pet the dolphins... and crammed 4 pieces of pizza down for dinner that night. Friday was Epcot. Creepy kids hit on me, but thats a long story and even though its really funny I don't feel like typing it all out. We ate in the Coral Reef restaurant so we got to watch all the fish in the aquarium while we ate. That was pretty fun, and I had the best lobster soup EVER. Saturday we went to Animal Kingdom. Had some good times, got absolutley soaked from the rain and the River Rapids ride. Froze through dinner 'cause of the air conditioning but we ate in the Rainforest Cafe which was really cool. Couldn't call Michelle 'cause she was at Nicks but I talked to Brian for a little bit. Sunday we went to Blizzard Beach. It was SO much fun. Summit Plummet was awesome. Monday we came home, some kid asked me if I was in college, but its okay 'cause he was hott. Didn't get home until 3 hours late 'cause of the weather. And today was back to school. I have like a ton of homework. Watched the talent show, thats always entertaining. Then after school I went to my podiatrist appointment and got my orthodics. Which is very good because I'm gonna start with tennis lessons really soon. But thats about it... Edit [ I realize that the details in that were SO far from being, well, detailed. So maybe I'll elaborate on some of it. Breakfast in the morning was my favorite time. I had chocolate cake almost everyday. Except two days I had fruit and one day I had chocolate chip pancakes, which were absolutley awesome. Then I bought Michelle and I Rollie Pollie Ollie pins, ski club kids should get the joke.. if not... then you're douchebags. Umm, I can't really think of anything else good that happened that I'm willing to share. Except I stole a barf bag from the plane 'cause it was awesome. and.. thats all!]
Read 2 comments
ahhh yes.
Kenny does own my soul.

and as for me and Max...
well lets just say he doesnt haha

and shit! I forgot about the CD.
but I'll have it to you tomorrow [Friday] and if not then Monday.

I have ADD haha
easily distracted.

well ttyl