Listening to: Pieces - Sum 41
I really like this song.
Anyways today sucked with a huge passion.
People drove me up the walls, I had a killer headache, and was uber tired.
AND I had two freggin mid-terms.
So when I finally got home from the hell hole (it took 20 minutes when it normally takes 10 because the reaods were terrible) I called Michelle.
Her dad was on the phone or something so it took her a while to call back but when she did I just told her every single freggin thing that has been bothering me lately.
the more and more I sit back and think about things and watch the world go on doing whatever it does the more I realize that life is unfair in countless cruel ways.
Some people have everything. And I've noticed that its truley the people that do not deserve it.
Especially in high school.
The people that lie and cheat and bend the truth and other people's words so that they work to their own advantage in harming somebody always seem to come out on top.
Is it because they don't know who they really are?
Is it because they're afraid that other people don't like who they really are?
I honestly don't know, but its been killing me.
And how some people are so ridiculously immature.
Maybe I'm just being stupid, or maybe I had a bad day and decided to look at all the negatives, but these are the things that dawn on me when I sit down to think...when I try to think of all the good things.. I find a few.. but they're always minimal.
So tell me, am I the only person that thinks like this? Am I the only one who can get annoyed by random hyper people, or somebody that has so many things which you yourself crave so badly?
This entry was totally random...
(i updated my diary just for u, since u yell at me for it:P)
And your icon thingies! I must ask.. Where did you get them? ^^