I Guess that Goes to Show

Listening to: TSL - Cheek to Cheek
Today was good unlike yesterday. The only people that said anything to me about whatever happened was in computer tech, and even then it wasn't that bad. I was starting to get pretty angry though. The rest of the day was good though. We just kinda talked all through Intro to Accounting. English was boring. I have to start working on my speech. Ugh. Anyways sign-ups went better than expected, and then biology we had a sub again. Ninth period study hall was good. I copied Michelle's Algebra II homework and then did my german which was due next period :p After that we walked down to mom's office. I hurt myself twice while we were there. It was so pathetic. The first time I dropped my pen and when I went to pick it up I smashed my fingers off the floor. Then I ran into the corner of the table. But I realized that I'm getting my braces off next Thursday I think!!! :D And on the 5th I have a podiatrist appointment. Finally. So Michelle and I walked back up to study hall. THEN we went to German, what fun. I hit myself with my pen. Then I smashed my elbow off the desk. Jeremy was showing Michelle and me his sexy legs. Haha, it was great. Then the day was over!! :D Michelle: "He was looking at you!" I love this so much.
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haha my knees pretty bruised up.
Okay definitley bruised up haha
I have this big ass red/blue one and two black and blue ones.
All on the one knee haha

The one ski came up and took me out on the west. thats hwen I got the red one. and everyone else was gone adn I was trying to get down it but my knee kept collapsing so I couldnt make it down haha. it was bad.

When DOESNT Alex try to pull something.
He even hit on Max today
Pervert haha

ttyl :)
haha yeah.
Im sick of the kid touching me.
Everyone thinks that Im a grope machine or something.
Max doesnt even care.
The kid will be the death of me haha
I threw him into a locker today and slapped him across the face.
Just kidding around not hard or anything
But it was still funny :)

I'm sorry that your V-Day sucked.
Mine was still shitty even with everyone trying to make it better haha
My life is hopeless haha

Well ttyl :)
oh about the Treg thing?

Yeah he was pretty pissed about that. He said he didnt want to get things started up again with him because he didnt like the fact that they fought over Billie in the first place since he realizes that whole thing was stupid.

And then he found out that Treg never even said anything so he was kinda pissed haha

He'll get over it. I think haha
He's a pretty easy going guy
He can't stay mad for too long.

ttyl :)
i like that saying on ur diary