And its mind over you [don't] matter

So I guess I should write an entry telling everybody why I'm leaving. And why this is my last entry. There are too many memories and painful things on here. And everytime I log on its like I get flooded with everything I'm trying to avoid right now. Maybe in time I'll be able to think about it and be okay with the things that have happened, but right now I can't. There's so much about tennis, and the fall. And then all the stuff about skiing kills me. Espeically everything after Killington. I think I really hate him. And now there's stuff about Jake. And it was so sudden, I just don't get it. I guess I'm a person who likes explanations and the reasons behind what happens, and that suprised me so much, I had no warning, and I can't make sense of it at all.. no matter how hard I try. So this is done because I need to heal myself.
Read 7 comments
I really like your diary.
Hey! I really like your background. It's really cute!!! :-)

My name is Krysten too! muhahaha...

lol no problem!!! :-)
hey! i was just wondering if you might need any advice or anything of the sort, please check out my diary and i will get a reply back to you a.s.a.p!
well plz check it out!
I love you sweetie! but do what you have to to heal yourself and get past everything

you kno im always here or and phone call away I LOVE YOU!!

sweetie im here for you
aww it takes some time to heal over the motherfucker who broke your heart...and yeah the memories DO come back in so fast and you just dont' know what to do and you definitly CAN'T shake them out...

i hope you forget bout him soon...