I stay Wrecked and Jealous for This

Hmm, I'm going on a hunt for new bands. I found this website, punchapunk.com and you can listen to differnt songs by different bands... so I've been doing that all of this glorious snow day. I need to find a new background. I mean, I loved Killington but its time for a change. I changed my header, Taking Back Sunday lyrics with a SoCo icon.... its strange but oh well, I like it. Then my The Starting Line icon and my fancy comment pic.... I'm definatley leavin the top left pic, but I want to change my comment pic. I might have to go searching through Erin's photobucket again. So I didn't get up until noon today. I guess it was catching up on the sleep I lost from Windham on Sunday even though I slept for a while on the way home. I think that was just because I was in pain. I have to get another doctor's appointment for my foot again. I know its just the tendinitus coming back, but I have to get another refferal to the podiatrist so I can get my orthodics. Hopefully they'll help. I'm trying to think if the ski club trip is going to be cancelled Friday. I don't think it will be, but there's always a chance. I might go this weekend with Robbie and Summer though anyways :D And Rodden, hahah, oh well, we just aren't telling my dad that part :D But Summer and Rodden haven't skiied in like 2 years so Robbie said we're gonna ditch them on the bunny hill and the tioga :p Hmm, I went ski blade shopping with Summer from my Grandma's living room Monday night. She picked out these awesome K2 blades... but they were all sold out. :( I think I really like this song. Haha. Well I'm going to go. Mom made cookies so I think I want another one of them. And I need to find a new swimsuit to take to Florida with me. And a messenger bag... I hope Mary gives me my W2 so I can file my taxes soon.... I want my refund :p Its going to be like $325... ahh... :D [Edit: I couldn't find a good background but I did change some of the pictures around. Then I just made everything purple for no reason at all]
Read 3 comments
yeah haha.
I know Treg was pissed at him then.
I guess I can understand why.
But it definitley wasn't just Max's fault haha

well. sorry about the whole thing.

I heard the trips cancelled because its too late on Thursdays to get buses sorted out and stuff.
I dont know I signed up this year but I havent gone on a trip yet.
Kinda dreading it haha.

well. catch you later.
how was ashley's game?:P sry i kno tourture

skiing tommorrow:P who tells ppl that the trip was cancelled appartently they don't kno mr. good we usually go no matter what like killington schools cancelled we leave early:P

yay for good music.

i get to see the starting line in concert.
yay for that.
(i read your last entry and you were listening to the starting line)

cool diary.