
Listening to: the used
Feeling: cold
ahh noo its monday which means tomorrow we have school blahh why lol oh well cause ryan has studdy hall tomorrow:-) last night was the band banquet that was fun got to hang out with ryan all night at the dance but while they were doing awards i got kind of sad because they had to do all the senior stuff and ryan was up and blah..:-(im gonna miss him soo much- but we got a little bit before he has to leave so its ok (for now) yeah so at the dance last night gillis gets on the bar and strips and pours water on himself .. crazyy haha and of corse at the end mike goes should i play a slow song or a fast song and sooo many people said slow and like 3 people in front said fast and he played a fast song .. lol oh well hehe i got a spirit pin don't i feel special lol not really but oh well my mom was all like aww really lol i dont think of it as that big of a deal but you know moms lol and yay for next week got the whole week off except monday! :-D im excited about that yep yep prolly goin to mad movies that week with emily lol shes dragging me to all these scary movies ahh she wants to go see this hide and seak one or something like that i saw a preview for it on tv and :-X You take me to A place with you That only I feel safe to say That I'm in love with you So don't go away I need you to stay To hear me say that I'm in love with you great song- Ryan i love you so much! you're the best! S2 *HUG*
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hey! I LOVE the used!!!! what font do you have???? cute diary!