Listening to: ashlee simpson
Feeling: mopey
nothin here listen to Ashlee and singing alongg of COrse ^_^
so today was my birthday it wasnt really that great boring and i didnt get my cell phone !!! GR and ryan only called once :( but he was traveling all day so he was prolly tired so its ok .. but i miss him
and yesturday Kaylas partyy Was SOO fun :D i wish i didnt have to leave early *tear*
i had a pretty good time
ANNDDDD.. Now i only have 3 weeks left with ryan and SOON swimming and band start i cant waitt S2 aww man im soo excited this year will be good .. it had to be so i can keep my mind off of things that make me sad..
Semi will be fun i hope
Bye Lovess-
I Love you babyyy!
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