Listening to: x nothing x
Feeling: headachy
is that even a mood? hmm
so after things were really fucked up i havnt seen or heard from the meth heads, that dosent mean i wont ever this is bloomington and it is very small so odds are i shall see them again but i am moving to the southside so the odds will be greatly decreesed.
zombie left with hippys she met at work shes a rambow kid now i feel sorry for her i fucking hate hippys with the exception of her she should be back when im going to be moving out of my appartment.
ive just been trying to deal with this no house thing not really looking for a job i dont know why but ive just been wasting time, my appartment isnt even half way packed and im moving out tuesday.
i got a cat, her name is zebb tony named her after we watched killing zoe which seemed so right at that time.
i might be going to austin in aug im not really sure about that but sence i have no house and no rent and my shit is in storage i figured it would be the right time to pick up and leave tony would take me as long as i buy the gas and drugs hes okay with taking me i need to talk with him some more about that. im not really making any plans cause the last two times ive planned to go it didnt happen but tony is good on his word so as long as i follow through it should happen
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