[25].*. stayby pinkcandylips on March 24th 2005, 12:00AMListening to: this is how we doFeeling: annoyedWhat's Your Pimp Name?Created by pokethejello7 and taken 78423 times on bzoink!NameSexmalefemaleundecidedbothYour Pimp Name IsCracker JacksYou'll make$193,111,582.66The number of prositutes you own is62Create a Quizlet | Search Quizlets | Go to bzoink! How Will You DieCreated by psychobitch and taken 10898 times on bzoink!NameAgeAge You Will Die?59How?SuicideMethod?Hung YourselfWhy?You Killed Your ParentsCreate a Quizlet | Search Quizlets | Go to bzoink! why are you soo cool?Created by iloverthezoo and taken 6637 times on bzoink!nameagebirthdaysexfavorite coloryour cool because you don't care about what anyone else thinks, and only takes care of yourself, therefor your confidence is awesomely highalso, because you always look like your51you have this much money$656,781.68sexOctober 31, 2015% of coolness65%Create a Quizlet | Search Quizlets | Go to bzoink!Read 0 comments