Listening to: rape me - nirvana
Feeling: betrayed
today was annoying
everyone got on my nurves
cept karissa cause she wasnt there
niether did krystle cause she wasnt there either.
but amanda and rebekah sure got on my nurves :-D
omg amanda was just being annoying with extra bitch and rebekah was being immature with extra stupid.
but anywhoo
i talked to ashley quill today again during gym, its kinda weird talking to her because i never do, but its cool...shes nice.
we were going back in and i was walking with ashley but then i slowed down and walked with amanda and krissy and ashley was in front of us and krissy started going "ooo baby" me and amanda were like "lol what?" shes like "i never looked at that before" and she was looking at ashley's ass so of course amanda was like "o wow that is nice."
ummm hello?
is amanda even bi? i dont think she is
OMG and she heard from somewhere god only knows where ..(amanda) that JOSH OGDEN and PAUL STEMMLER and JAMES WELLS likes her, when she told me that on the phone all i could think was ...uh huh suuurrre they do.
yeah james is i guess "friends" with her
but josh and paul arnt, you can tell.
i dont think im gunna talk to mike anymore as emily says.."hes really really really creepy" lol i love em lol
then i had my away up and the message was "he never loved me he never loved me why should anyone?" and its a song by the vines but lol erin imed me and was like "i love you kelsey!" lol erins great.
i gotta give her, her b-day gift.
this weekend
Plans for tomarrow:
*:.erins again to spend the night.
i cant really think of anything else that happened today lol yup, our school is boring and sux bald monkey balls.
omg i hate it so much when someone tries to argue with you something that you KNOW FOR A FACT is correct but they argue anyway convinced that they are right because God forbid they should be wrong.
like uhh i think it was yesterday, karissa had carrots and shes like "kels have some make your eyes better." im like "naw i got perfect 20/15." shes arguing with me what the doctor said when she wasnt even there.
and then like i dunno last week? i was talking to rebekah about color blind people and im like "yeah grahams color blind." (my brother) and she gave me this weird look and shook her head and said "no hes not." ...OK DONT YOU THINK I KNOW IF HE IS OR NOT?? then im like uhh yeah he is and she started arguing about that with me.
jeeze people annoy me soo much sometimes. lol
well, im done bitching for tonight. lol

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