ok ill update on what happened from friday till now :-)
Friday- friday we had school, we had a party in spanish for Mrs.Richards B-day and for like an end of the year thing. 7th grade still had testing so the school was a hell of alot quieter and less crowded. :-) then after school at 5:30 we had our graduation and then after that at 7 we had our dance which was really fun. the dj played alot of 50 cent but everytime he played ACDC all the guys started jumping around and got on stage and started a "mosh pit" if you wanna call it that.
people got their &hearts broken that night to lol katrina started crying cuz paul wouldnt dance with her but paul was like drunk, cassy started crying because she asked dom if he wanted to dance with her and he pushed he away and said no, and kirsten was almost crying at the end cuz she wanted to dance with someone but he was dancing with amelia.
when they were handing out diplomas, mr.baker called mine and he said "Kelsey P...or known as Michael Jackson." i was just like ...oh...my...God...lol because last week we had to be a person of the decade so i picked the big MJ for the 80s and i was him i got my hair all curled up and put on alot of eye liner and i got up there and mr.Baker was like "okay go ahead and start." so i just said ok...then i went "OWWWW" and did the moon walk to the middle of the class and then started saying in a soft kinda girly voice "hello, im Michael Jackson...ect." and i started talking about him like when he was born and stuff and i walked up to eric's desk and started rubbing his books, omg i couldnt believe how funny people thought it was lol i was laughing so hard i couldnt talk for a min but i got over it and kept talking then went over to aarons desk and rubbed his books then i went over by Mr.Baker and he just went "IM TOO OLD!" so i moved onto Joey lol and rubbed him books then i got closer and started rubbign his arm, lmao it was funny.
Paul Allen was Elvis lmao he made his suit, lmao it was so funny then he TRIED to sing an elvis song.
Karissa was Maralyn Manroe
Mackenzie was twiggy
Karah was BARBIE lol
Dom was OJ simpson...that one was hilarious
Joey was henry kissenger he wore a suit which was really weird seeing him in and it was like skin tight lol it was so funny hes like "i havent worn this in like 4 years!!" lmao.
Saturday- saturday i got up after 10 hungf around the house for a little took a shower then me and my mom went to erin's house and me and erin went to rotterdam mall AND crossgates :-)
lmao it was soooo fun, and for once i still have money :-D OMG we went into Zumiez in crossgates and the girl that worked there was SO COOL we asked for stickers and shes like "ooo yeah of course" and then like after me and erin both checked out shes like "theres a big box behind that table in the front full of lolli pops and stickers...so go ahead do it up." me and erin were like OMG but yeah that was pretty cool
then next satuday me and erin are going back to crossgates cuz BAM MARGERA IS GUNNA BE THERE WITH THE ELEMENT SKATE TEAM, and then this really cool store came in there libby lue which me and erin like LOVE its like a Limited 2 only more...pink and girly lol, yes that is possible lol so they had thier grand opening yesterday so we went lol and christy carlson ramano is gunna be there (shes ren, from the show even stevens) lmao so were gunna see her lol, but were gunna hit 2 in one christy is gunna be there from 10-2 and then bam is gunne be there from 1-5 and hes signing autographs from 3:30-5...i think and then the bands start at 4-5, so we are SO going lol
Today is gunna be SO boring, so far i dont think were really doing anything, i hate sundays...and mondays, but tomarrow shouldnt be that bad because i have my spanish final then its locker clean out and were not doing anything, then tuesday were going to the great escape with school in my group its bekkah, karissa, amanda sanders and...uh..me and i think thats it.
and bekkah's mom is shaperoning so it should be cool then wensday is a full day, not sure what were doing that day, then thursday is a 1/2 day but im not going cuz i have to go to schenectday to see my bro's graduation then im going friday which is our last day and its a 1/2 day, we get out a 10:30. YESSSSSSSSSSS
this is for erin lol

thats Linzi..lmao, shes wearing s LV scarf
well im done if we actually do anything today ill update later then.
