[92].*.The boys are back in town

Feeling: awake
--UNIQUE-- 1. Nervous Habits: laughing 2. Are you double jointed: a couple places, 3. Can you roll your tongue: yeah i can roll it 4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: kinda 5. Can you blow spit bubbles: im so close but no.... 6. Can you cross your eyes: yeah but it hurts 7. Tattoos: nope 8. Piercing: 4 places on each ear 9. Do you make your bed daily: nope. -- CLOTHES -- 10. Which shoe goes on first: right 11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone: weird question.. but yeah 12. On the average, how much money do you carry: $0 unless i go shopping then like $25 about or more. 13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7: beaded jewlery 14. Favorite piece of clothing: hmm my jeans -- FOOD -- 15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl lopl 16. Have you ever eaten Spam: yeah, its gross 18. How many cereals in your cabinet: 4 19. What's your favorite beverage: water,OJ 20. What's your favorite restaurant: dragon buffet 21. Do you cook: yes, and i bake -- GROOMING -- 22. How often do you brush your teeth: three times a day and i floss more then that.. 23. Hair drying method: pull it up 24. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair: i get natural blonde highlights from sun in the summer time -- MANNERS -- 25. Do you swear: i try not to 26. Do you ever spit: not really only if im foolin around with erin -- FAVORITE -- 27. Animal: dog 28. Food: strawberries 29. Month: July, January 30. Day: saturday 31. Cartoon: billy and mandy 32. Shoe Brand: steve madden 33. Subject in school: english 34. Color: green, pink 35. Sport: play:dance does it count? watch:soccer 36. TV show: maury, boy meets world 37. Thing to do in the spring: shopping 38. Thing to do in the summer: party.sleep in. shop. be with friends. sleepovers. shop 39. Thing to do in the fall: shop 40. Thing to do in the winter: drink warm stuff -- IN AND AROUND -- 41. In the CD player: a mix. 42. Person you talk most on the phone with: Erin lol 44. Do you regularly check yourself in store mirrors: doesnt everyone do that? 45. What color is your bedroom: pastel yellow goung to be purple 46. Do you use an alarm clock: only on school days 47. Window seat or aisle: window -- LA LA LAND -- 48. What's your sleeping position: curled up or side 49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: guilty.. i need something.. 50. Do you snore: no 51. Do you sleepwalk: i did once 52. Do you talk in your sleep: lol yeah sometimes 53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals:when im sad.. 54. How about with the light on: no lol 55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: radio sometimes 56. Last interesting person you met: the girl at zumiez The Truth About Girls - midol is like crack; end of story. - we love ben && jerrys more than you. - we will never be too old for sleepovers. - gossip isn`t a sin; it`s an art. - we must go to the bathroom in groups. - we have this thing called feelings; don`t hurt them. - there`s no point in having an ex if you can`t be a bitch to him. - we don`t wake up looking pretty. it takes time and effort. - sometimes is just never quite enough. - we need girls nights; OFTEN. - we hold grudges and we never forget the things you say to us that hurt. - it doesn`t matter who dumped who or why. whenever we see an ex with another girl, it always bothers us.. not because we`re not over you, but because we know we used to be that girl. - no guy wants to marry a whore. well, no girl wants to marry a manwhore either. - never ever ask a girl what she weighs; or imply anything about her weight being too much or too little. just don`t do it. - our eyes are located in our heads. not our chest or butt. So when you`re not looking in our eyes, WE KN0W
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ya thats me.
i love ur diary!-mel