
Listening to: something on fly 92
Feeling: productive
I have to pee really bad lol but im going to do this survay thing 1st :) 01. Fallen for a friend? Yes. 02. Made out with JUST a friend? No. 03. Rejected someone? Yes. 04. Been in love? yeah. 05. Been in lust? no 06. Used someone? Yes. 07. Been used? .....I dont think i have :-/. 08. Cheated on someone? No. 09. Been cheated on? No. 11. Done something you regret? Yes. Who was the last person... 12. You touched? my friend 13. You talked to (phone & in person)? Erin 14. You hugged? My mom. 15. You instant messaged? Erin. 16. You kissed? No one. 18. You yelled at? My brother. 19. You laughed with? Erin. 20. You had a crush on? Kyle from the Y 21. Who broke your heart? Let's not go there. Do you... 22. Color your hair? No. 23. Have tattoos? No. 24. Piercings? my ears. 25. Have a boyfriend? Nope. 26. Floss daily? sometimes. 27. Own a webcam? nope. 28. Ever get off the damn computer? Maybe....lol. Yes. 29. Sprechen sie deutsche? no? 30. Habla espanol? yeah. Have you/do you/do you have... 40. Considered a life of crime? lol, No. 41. Considered being a hooker? Uhhh, no. 43. Are you psycho? Maybe. 44. Split personalities? Last time I checked. 45. Schizophrenic? Isn't this the same as the last question. 46. Obsessive? No, not really. 47. Obsessive compulsive? Nope. 48. Panic? Not usually. 50. Depressed? not really 51. Suicidal? nope. 52. Obsessed with hate? Noooo. 53. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? ummmmm no. 54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? Psh, no. 56. What would you be doing? Nothing. 58. What are you listening to? Fly 92 59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? i can bend my toes over and stand on them :) 60. Chicken or fish? Chicken. 61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? Llama. Current.. 62. Current Clothes: Jeans and a hoodie. 63. Current Mood: sleepy 64. Current Music: goodies by Ciera 65. Current Taste: chocolate milk 66. Current Hair: its up in a bun. 67. Current Annoyance: my back hurting, and its hot in here. 68. Current Smell: my perfume. 69. Current thing I ought to be doing: cleaning my room 70. Current Desktop Picture: umm....lol i had to look its Elijah Wood
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