Listening to: jingle bell rock
Feeling: happy
haha im finally going to update...
nothing really to update with tho lol
hmm I need to go to the mall this weekend for xmas shopping.
im so excited :-)
we get out of school next thursday.
we have a 1/2 day.
get out at 10:30.
and we might not have school on friday because of a snow storm.
urgh progress reports get mailed this week...
i dont want to see mine lol.
i thought of something i want for xmas lol
this vintage John Lennon shirt lol
I want it soo bad :-)
this one will do also...

Have fun on your day off school
Only Joking
I should have gone xmas shopping today with all of my pretty crisp twenties
sometimes doing bad things and getting paid for it is good