stolen from stepho

Listening to: throwdown
[Born on] june 29 87 [Do you like Harry potter?] i wanna rape him [Resides] everwhere [Good student?] ahahah thats funny [Eyes] blue [Hair] blonde [Shoe size] 8 1/2 Last time you... [Had a nightmare] i dunno [Dyed your hair] never have [Washed your hair] 20 min ago [Checked your e-mail] 45 min ago [Cried] the other day after the break up [called] rita ;) [Smiled] dunno [Laughed] dunno Do You [Smoke?] xXx [Do drugs?] xXx [Drink?] xXx [Have sex?] no [Sleep with stuffed animals] yeah and i have hot stuffed aminal poop sex with i don [Have a boyfriend/girlfriend] nope [Have a dream that keeps coming back] yeah the one about karissa [play an instrument] bass [Remember your first love] no such thing [Still love him/her] n/a [Read the newspaper] nope [Have any gay or lesbian friends] team GAY force [Consider love a mistake] ther is no such thing as love all love is a word that will end up killing sumone [Like the taste of alcohol] xXx [Have any secrets] yeah [Have any pets] 2 dogs, 3 cat, goat and horse [Wear hats] yeah [piercings] 1 on the right nutt [Ink] HAH? [Hate yourself] yeah [Have an obsession] yeah pits and kicking people in the face (sorry josh) [Have a secret crush] yeah [Have a best friend] KAPT KAMO WAMO [Like your handwriting] ahahaha no [Have any bad habits] sure [Care about looks] yeah [Boy/girlfriend's looks] yeah [Believe in witches] yeah so put me on the nigger list and see what happens whore current: Dress: sis' pants and thrice shirt Mood: uggggh Make-up: eye liner powder mascara foundation i dont fukin wear make up Music: throwdown Taste: food Annoyance: at the moment karissa Smell: ugggh Thing I Ought to be doing: having sex Book: the shining Fingernail Color: the reg color Refreshment: dr pepper Worry: the like 220 pages i need to read by friday Last Person: You Talked to: mat You Hugged: my sis You Instant messaged: stepho You Yelled At: my mom You Had A Crush On: karissa Who Broke Your Heart: well we broke eachothers You Kissed: well mat kissed me Favorite: Food: food Color: tourquise CD: the one i just burnt Shoes: my carpet shoes TV Show: tech tv ahaha Celebrity: umm the ones in pornos Fruit: bananas caz theyre like penis' Cartoon: simpsons Who do u want to [ Kill ] many [ Slap ] the chick at subway [ Tickle ] kamo [ Talk To ] a certain person [ Kiss ] sumone but they have a bf.... till::next::tim gerader Rand
Read 2 comments
not for long ..she wont
xoxo.. rita
i have no idea why i read that but i did and i didnt know u were a funny guy... wow i am so proud and i know a lot about u know bucky marisa singh sc