::sleep to dream::

every night as you close your eyes the questions chase the answers star-lit darkness dancers prancers of the clouds they run across like fireflies, so gracefully so you don't mind so much not knowing because the change of scenery the chase has brought is more beautiful than all the answers you'd ever catch could be
Read 6 comments
Play any good jokes today?
I only did one, but I didn't make it into a big thing, cause I don't want to piss people off. haha.
hey, never said how much i enjoyed that little commentslashpoem. ...tickled me good.
I'm still reading.

I thought I would let you know.
I miss you * hugs *
Bondage Bear
i like starlit, fuck hold on
i like star-lit darkness dancers, its rhythmic like floating on a wave, thats what it makes you think of when you say it flo at ing, or not you but me.