¿?don't know¿?

Feeling: blah
i just woke up around 9:30am it is now 11:31am and i am very bored. i don't know what to write i just am bored and need to do something... i can't wait till i go to the condo with my 2 friends. thank god kevin can like go now that would have sucked if he couldn't b-cuz it would just be more fun if it was the three of us... i could have killed my friends tiffany and kevin last night b-cuz we went to market basket and this kid i know that goes to my school works there and he's pretty cute but i don't like him, and tiffany told kevin to go up to him and tell him i think he's cute i got so mad at him cuz he actually did it...anyways it was some funny shyt then i told tiffany to roll the bouncy ball down the isle and she went to go do it and hit the wine bottles and almost knocked them over! we looked over and like the manager of the store or something was staring at us! it was wicked funny...the manager person started like stalking us around the store after...we were like trying to get away from him it was funny!then we left after -lol- well i dunno what else to write so ya pce
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