7 more days till school is over!! YAY!!!

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Feeling: bored
ya so there is like 7 more days of school left and i am so excited...yay!. well ya so today in school some fremont eighth graders came to our school to see what it is going to be like next year when they are at our school and there was this one kid and i was like wow he has the boldest head i have ever seen..and my friend britney ya he has cancer and after i found that out i felt so bad that i said that OMFG i really did feel so bad... anyways so ya yesterday me, tiffany, and kevin were at the town beach which is actually just a lake in our town but the town calls it the town beach but nayways so we were there and after about like 5-10 minutes these 2 girls showed up on horses and were gonna ride the horses in the water and all of a sudden we look over and the horse is taking a dump in the water it was so gross...so we had to get out of the water. and it sucked because we were hot and wanted to go swimming errr.. lol but it was pretty funny at the same time but it was wicked gross. ... today was wicked humid out and it still is...wow ya i don't wanna go to school tomorrow i want today to be the last day that way i can sleep...lol i can't wait till the summer to like go to the beach alot and especially the kangamangus highway i love that place swimming around the rocks and shit its pretty friggan fun...well ya i don't really know what else to talk about so pce out <3
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