1 week till my b.day!!!

Feeling: down
ya i'm bored but i'm happy 1 more week till my b.day yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! LoL ya well i have alot to do on my exhibition project which is due tuesday and its worth 40% of my grade so ya its pretty important...i also have to finish my eminem project which is due monday and i'm doin all this shit to bring up my grades ya i'm sick of failing like almost all my classes...ya may 15th...the day after my b.day i'm goin to north conway to stay at a condo with my cousin and her boyfriend and a bunch of other people and shit its gonna be fun i get to miss a week of school but i still gotta do my make up work...which sux but o well. my best friend tiffany's boyfriend kevin was pissin me off so bad today...we can't get through one day w/o fighting with eachother...he can be such a sweet and nice guy but he has such a short temper like u say one thing and he snaps and personally sometimes i think he treats her like shit like today he was screamin at her alot and it really pissed me off cuz i don't want her to take her emotions out on herself (she takes things people say seriously thats why) and start like cutting herself b-cuz i'm already watching one friend go through it and every week she does it worse and it's kinda scary when u tell ur friend to stop cutting herself and she doesn't listen and it gets worse...i couldn't let my best friend go through something like that especially over a guy...and i dunno w/e i gotta go work on my projects pce
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