
Feeling: bored
yesterday i went to the deerfield fair at like 3:00p and i walked around with my mom for a little bit and then i met up with tiffany and kevin and we walked around for a little bit and i got a playboy bunny airbrush tattoo and it lasts for about 4-5 days, i got a clatter ring, i got a tiffany's style necklace with my name engraved in it and i got a pink feather boa...and i went on some rides and stuff. i went on the round-up thingy and i have always been so scared to go on it but i went on it and i didn't even hold on it was wicked fun. i also went on this thing called the tilt-a-whirl and i was scared to go on that but i did and it turned out to be i think i am gettin rid of some of my fears... when we were waiting in line to go on the ferris wheel we met up with caylin and alexis and there to guy friends, and we all went on the ferris wheel and when we were at the top of the ferris wheel i called kyle (the kid i like) and i talked to him for a few mins but he was hangin out with some of his friends so i let him go but i had fun last night... and i got home around 10:30p
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