:::*:::PeOpLe ArE StUpId:::*:::

Feeling: bitchy
ya so last night tiffany slept ova my house and ya and i dunno and right now me and tiffany are at my house and we are talking to people and ya and ****&****** are Fuckin stupid bitches and they need to shut there fuckin mouths b4 they really get in some trouble they can't get out of(not saying something will happen...but u neva know) and ya...so anyways it's gonna be wicked fuckin hot out today...so ya pce..<3
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ya u can shut the fuck up u fat bitch!!! its between me nd tiffany not ur skanky ass!!! so0o0o leave me alone!!!! if somethins gunna happen then bring it bitch!!! i dont care so go hang out wit ur slutty frend nd leave me alone!!!!
whos my bestfriend?
amandas not my best friend
amandas not my best friend
that was b4 not anymore