Fathers day...

Feeling: agitated
well today i went fishing with my dad for about 4 and a half hours and i caught about 6 fish so that was pretty cool and after i got home patty asked me if i wanted to babysit and i said sure and then she canceled...u know what really fuckin bugs me she calls me all the time to babysit and i cancel my plans so i can and then she calls me back right before she is about to pick me up and she cancels and there is always an excuse errr it pisses me off cuz then i'm left being bored cuz my other friends are doing what we were gonna do and errrrrrrrrr it really pisses me off...and since i wasn't babysittin i was gonna ask tiffany if she like wanted me to come over so we could hang out and she told me she wasn't going over kevins cuz it's fathers day and when i called back her dad said she was at kevins i was like ok...but w/e they are friends too and if she wants to hang out with him she can... now i'm wicked bored and i have to get off the computer in a minute...k well pce out...<3...
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