5 days till my b.day!!!

Listening to: People talking
Feeling: sadistic
i'm not having the best day and its all b-cuz of exhibition.tomorrow night is exhibition and it is worth 40% percent of my grade in science and math and in citizens it is my final.which sux cuz i still have alot of work to do OMG i'm gonna go crazy...i'm so scared about tomorrow night we have to presentate in front of so many people it sux. today sucked to i had to presentate my eminem project to the class...I HATE PRESENTATING!!! even though i really don't fuckin care what anyone thinks of me i hate presentating errrr i hate it.i am so excited though b-cuz my b.day is in 5 days and the day after i'm goin to north conway its gonna be fuckin PIMP lol but ya i hate school but thank god its almost over we get out on june 22nd yay! i'm gonna make this summer good last summer sucked and this summer is actually gonna be fuckin fun (well atleast it better be) ya well i gotta do some more work on my exhibition project that way i fail...pce out
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