boring saturday...

Listening to: TLC- Unpretty
Feeling: alright
well today was pretty boring...i slept ova paula's last night and it was pretty fun...but i came home around 3:00p and i was supposed to babysit at 4:00p but they decided to cancel and tiffany has been ova kevins all day but thats cool i don't mind w/e but so i have just been like walking around and being wicked fuckin bored. well tomorrow is fathers day and my and my brother are going fishing with my dad so that will be pretty fun we got my dad some new fishing rods and shyt so ya that will be pretty is now 9:31p and i am fuckin tired and bored and ya! i can't wait till school is over yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay...i wanna go to canobie lake park or water i was so bored i did my whole S.T.A.R.T. project and it is due on monday..w/e atleast i got it done it came out good too. well i'm really bored and pretty tired so i'm gonna go now pce ... <3
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